Download Bail Bond Forms
Per the instructions given by our agent, you can either fill the forms out and fax them back to our office at 916-446-1076, or if you have the ability, you can download bail bond forms, print the ones that are necessary, fill them out, then either scan them and e-mail them back to or you fax them to 916-446-1076. Again this process will be discussed with you by our agent at the time of your initial call.
To get started:
Download “Form 1″ “Quick Start Guide”. (This will explain the bail bond transaction and the purpose of filling the forms out)
Then Download forms “Form 2” “Co-signor Information”, “Form 3” “Indemnity Agreement of Surety Bail Bond” and “Form 4” Summary of Agreement”
If necessary the agent will instruct you to download “Form 5” “Promissory Note”, “Form 6” “Defendant Application” and “Form 7” “Credit Card over the Phone”.
If you have any questions or technical difficulties during this electronic transaction, please feel free to call our office 24 hours a day for assistance. Our phone number is 916-446-2663 or toll free 888-449-2663.
Fax forms directly to 916-446-1076 or email to
Read our Reviews
Immediate bail bond services in any jail in California.
Nationwide bail bond agents available.
Topo Padilla Insurance Lic#: 1639213
Greg Padilla Insurance Lic#: 1570027